Quilting tips for beginners. Here are 10 super helpful quilting tips for beginners. Some of these I just learned this weekend and wanted to share with you. If you are new to sewing and quilting, I’m here to cheer you on and share some things I am learning on my quilting adventure with you. I…
How to Machine Quilt With Walking Foot For Beginners
Today I will show you some machine quilting patterns with a walking foot. Straight line, diagonal line and stitch in the ditch machine quilting patterns all done with your walking foot or 1/4″ foot. I am straight line and diagonal line quilting my king size log cabin quilt and sharing instructions for a beginner to…
How to Sandwich A Quilt Step-by-Step Tutorial
How to sandwich a quilt step-by-step tutorial. Today I’m getting my king size log cabin quilt ready for machine quilting on my Juki sewing machine. So if you’ve been following along with me, we made the log cabin quilt blocks, we added sashing and cornerstones and completed our quilt top. Here are links to those…